
The Arista EOS+ team is happy to accept community contributions to the Pyeapi project. Please note that all contributions that modify the library behavior require corresponding test cases otherwise the pull request will be rejected.


The pyeapi library provides both unit tests and system tests. The unit tests can be run without an EOS node. To run the system tests, you will need to update the dut.conf file found in test/fixtures.

Unit Test

To run the unit tests, simply run make unittest from the root of the pyeapi source folder

System Test

To run the system tests, simply run make systest from the root of the pyeapi source folder.


To run all tests, use make tests from the root of the pyeapi source folder


Contributions should maintain 100% code coverage. You can check this locally before submitting your Pull Request.

  1. Run make unittest
  2. Run make coverage_report to confirm code coverage.